Armour is it Explained?
To choose the best armour for your taste despite going by looks I like to know what I’m working with. With the rune description update it cleared up a lot of misconception but not all. When you first make an Elemenatalist you look at your choices between Earth, Air, Fire and water and think what would be the best? So you try putting all fire and it becomes quite clear that the bonus against fire does not stack. So then you think well what if I take one piece of each element for each item of armour would I not get a full coverage then?
But what I have come to understand is GW goes on a system where you have 5 points where you can receive damage (Head, Chest, Legs, Arms and Feet) and damage is only ever dealt to one of these locations and depending on what modifiers you have on that piece is how the damage is handled. Of course there is different odds for different places Chest being the highest chance to receive a blow.
I suppose your thinking I answered my own question but my point is where does it say that? On forums? Sure forums might have official sources but there is also a lot of miss information where you read one site that is adamant that they are right but then you read a variation and of course they aren’t wrong either.
So what can they do I think that the official website needs to include a description of the damage system particularly armour so you don’t see people wearing one of each element for there armour. I’m fairly confident that it doesn’t help but I don’t know that.
And then there is the mysterious absorption runes with the update they didn’t say if they stack or do not stack. This is probably because they are neither they work on the 5 point system if damage is dealt to a particular piece of armour that contains a absorption then the damage is reduced. But is it? Then there is the Ascalon armour for the warrior, people tell me the “reduced damage” is a global affect but in the same token does not stack. So are they telling me having one item of that armour I get the full benefit of having Ascalon armour?
So I feel that armour should tell us if there affect is global or local and at the very least an official description on the Guild Wars website describing all elements of the armour and I’m sure there are other aspects that would be nice to see official information on i.e. pets. It probably doesn’t amount to much information but I know I tried putting two Vigour runes onto my warrior just to be disappointed.
(As a side note if the game hates 55 farming so much why is it that if you put two of the same monk rune on you don’t get the bonus twice but you receive the penalty twice? If it wasn’t for that fact they couldn’t get there precious 55 health)
Last edited by Scott42; Apr 27, 2006 at 12:03 PM // 12:03..